
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Photos of December

Ooo Jõuluaeg.

Lumi maas. Otsustasin end ilusti sisse pakkida, pikk punane mantel selga ja läki läki pähe- heledad juuksed alt piilumas. Sain vaid mõne samm kõnnitud, kui  kuulsin kriiskava häälega lapsehäält , " Issi issi vaata päkapikk!"
Loivasin tagasi koju 

Father`s book signing



 Isal valmis uus raamat eestlaste ja eestimaalaste kõige varasematest kokkupuudetest Siberiga. Triloogia " Eesti ja Siber : jalaraua kõlin" esimene osa.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

First of December

Christmas  has got into my heart too. I felt that i need something what would make me feel cosy and create a light taste of romantic atmosphere. 
As you can see, I bought electrical candels and fixed them on my mirror and then lit up some real candels in my „teacup“.


A pleasant final evening of this day was  visitng „Jazzkaar“ with my sister Kristiina  in Vene kultuurikeskus, which main performer was a band from Germany „ Slixs“. I really enjoyed them , they managed contact with the audeince very well and I wasn`t the only one who got stomach ache form laughing. I also tried to make a video ( Sure, it  has not a good quality) ad some pictures, but you know the quality....So I put their webpage link here J

The final song-------

PS! I`m sure that they are not that showy/effective in videos, I strnogly recommend to go ande see them in live.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My first vase

Two weeks ago I decided to take a look at a household store and after a while I noticed  a full shelf ceramics of my favourite artist Gustav Klimt! I stood there for some time, uncquestionably I wanted almost all of them. My birthday is approaching, so I used the situation and informed my friends of my gift desire.
Now I`m a proud owner of " The Kiss" and a new big coffee cup "Judith".

Plus, my dear quests were a huge help, they helped to fix my lightning what was out of order. :D
For almost two years I used my coffee can as a vase, yes looks very artistic, but in the morning the situation is quite nasty  when you quickly want to make some coffee and need to find a temporary "replacement vase" for the flowers and this situation continuing for days and days and days.... Dears Friends , Thank you. I`m so happy :)

Family Portrait

I asked them to act normal

Gerda and Veiko
coats composition
My "flowers" for birthday :D

Annika, Raivo and Janar

Gerda, Susan, Annika, Grisdi, Germo and a little bit of Raivo

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Recycling a old plastic box - Shrinky Bracelet

Vanast koogikarbist võib palju rõõmu olla. Soodne viis enda hulka uusi akssesuuare luua.

                                                1. Esimeseks ülesandeks on karbi sisu ära süüa
2. Puhasta karp
                                                                   3. Vabas vormis kaunista permanentsete markeritega plastik
                                        4. Lõika nendest vähemalt 4x4 cm ruudud
5. Augusta 
                           6. Aseta ahju (ca 200 kraadi)
                                     7. Lase neil paar minutit "väänelda"
                  8. Lase jahtuda, laki üle (kasutasin tavalist küünelakki)
9. lõpeta protsess oma soovidest lähtuvalt.